Night of Ideas 2024

GFAA Gallery (Gainesville Fine Arts Association)

Thursday, February 29, 2024 I 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Outside the Lines

Listening to Islands and Peninsulas




The University of Florida’s Night of Ideas will be an interdisciplinary event titled, “À l’écoute des îles et des presqu’îles” (Listening to Islands and Peninsulas). The program will feature a roundtable discussion focusing on environmental humanities with a particular concentration on islands and peninsulas.


Speakers include Gabriele Belletti (LLC, French and Italian Studies, UF), Jean-Marc Bullet (Researcher and artist from Martinique), Danila Cannamela (Colby College), Terry Harpold (English, ICC, UF), Tony Maurelli (Environmental and Global Health, UF), Augusto Soledade (School of Dance, UF) and Alioune Sow (LLC, French and Francophone Studies & African Studies, UF).


A concert will follow, featuring musicians and current residents of the Villa Albertine, Julian Babou (La Réunion) and Sonny Troupe (Guadeloupe), offering an artistic perspective on the communities at the heart of the evening. In parallel, students of the University of Florida are invited to participate in the Night of Ideas, by submitting poems for a poetry contest.


The event is sponsored by the University of Florida, France-Florida Research Institute


Co-sponsors: GFAA Gallery (Gainesville Fine Arts Association), the Arts/Africa Working Group and the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Florida.

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