Night of Ideas 2024



6:00 Ends at: 7:00 pm

Books & Books - Coral Gables



Musical performance by Julian Babou and Sonny Troupé

Opening remarks by Mitchell Kaplan, founder of Books and Books, and Anthoni Dominguez, Director of the Villa Albertine Miami, followed by a special musical performance by Villa Albertine residents, Julian Babou and Sonny Troupé.


7:00 Ends at: 8:00 pm

Books & Books - Coral Gables



AI: a new lease on life for smart cities, a new challenge for the environment

Mario Ariza, Rodolphe el-Khoury, Jeffrey Carney, Ana Chammas, Guillaume Pitron

Although the notion of smart cities has been around for many years, it seems more relevant than ever, with the advent of artificial intelligence and lightning advances in data processing. Promised to help combat global warming, notably by facilitating urban planning, these technologies nevertheless have their own limits in terms of raw material consumption, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.


8:00 Ends at: 9:00 pm

Books & Books - Coral Gables



Is Urban Agriculture Countercultural ?

Elaine Fiore, Eric Lenoir, Sébastien Marot , Muriel Olivares, Cara Rockwell

Miami is one of the cities most exposed to the consequences of global warming, from stronger hurricanes to rising coastlines, rising global temperatures and the proliferation of invasive species. While supply chains have shown weaknesses during the pandemic, many people have become aware of the need to regain a form of food sovereignty, as well as a certain degree of food autonomy on an individual scale. While the tradition of the Creole garden is still alive and well in the Caribbean and in some parts of Latin America, what is the relationship between Miamians and vegetable gardening? What is at stake in terms of food self-sufficiency, backyard vegetable gardens, urban farms or food forests, in an area exposed to climate risk?



Books & Books - Coral Gables



Musical Performance by Degnis Bofill

Concert in the courtyard with Cuban percussionist, vocalist, and composer, Degnis Bofill.

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